Summer Makes

The Finish Line for a Vacation Wardrobe!

Greetings lovelies!

Today I want to talk about this pile of fabric I’m under and the race to completing my summer vacation wardrobe. I’ve only been planning this years summer vacation for the past year. You’d think I’d be done with all my makes for this getaway by now but…I’m not! A few weeks back I reflected on the pieces for 2019 I’ve made so far and I was really impressed with myself. But when it comes to summer, I have so many ideas and creations in my head I’m finding it hard to focus. There is no doubt, Spring/Summer is my favorite season!

This week I’m actually focusing on a solid plan and that plan includes…how many looks do I want for this trip? (or should I just be naked the entire time?), how many previous makes are coming along?, gotta make at least one swimsuit (I’m using Katie Kortman’s Spoonflower Sport Lycra), and the most important creation, my vow renewal dress. WHAT THA?

I’ve narrowed it down to 6 new looks and 3 oldies (but that is subject to change lol). Stay tuned for these looks! I love them all and I’m sure you will too.

Are you a planner for vacation wardrobe? Do you wait until the last minute to whip something fresh together for your getaways? Or do you pack for holidays like a minimalist? I’m curious.
