Another Year to Grow

36 Candles
This weekend I celebrated 36 years of life. This past year has been filled with excitement and some not so exciting obstacles. I’m grateful for them all. Each day I’m learning to embrace all the changes. One of those changes being my weight. Before I learned I was pregnant this year I was not working out like normal. Let me not forget that my clothes from the previous year were getting snug. I lost a bit of my motivation for fitness after the miscarriage. I finally got to a place where I’m excited about fitness and sewing patterns 2 sizes bigger (yeah) than I was sewing in the previous year.
What did You do to get out the slump?
The slump! I am now learning not to give this word life. The most important thing I do to get out is KEEP GOING! Life really does go on and you have to roll with it. I roll with it by creating some type of challenge for myself. I love a good challenge! Keeping that in mind I decided to challenge myself and get back to my triathlon days. I am not the best swimmer and even after completing 2 triathlons (super sprint and sprint) in the past years, I told myself I would never do another triathlon. Never say never! I really don’t like the swimming (someone help me breathe lol). The training for the triathlon is intense. Although training is intense, I know the outcome will be so very rewarding. So I’m training like a crazy person and fresh into a New Year. What else is going on? My clothes don’t fit, that’s what. Back to the sewing room I go. I’m literally sewing 2 sizes up from my normal size. I’m not just sewing for your entertainment…I have no clothes that fit people! Can I get an Amen? Challenge number 2 forms. I decided to create 15 projects for the month of August. WTF? I normally sew 5-10 projects a month depending on upcoming events but never 15. There’s no backing out now lol. My summer is usually filled with 1 long vacation and lots of short weekend vacations. Traveling also helps to get me out the slump. Pictures below are of my first lighthouse experience. I brought in 36 and crossed seeing a real life lighthouse off my list. It was so beautiful! I do hope you come along this journey with me. Please do share with me ways you get out the slump. I’d love to hear.
Peace & Blessings
P.S. Here’s my bEarthday look and challenge project number 1 for August sewing.
PATTERN: McCalls 7661
The Climb!
I made it to the top! Happy BEarthday to me!