Somewhere over the rainbow

Skies really are Blue
In this section of my blog called Journey I will be sharing with you bits and pieces of Nefertiti. You ready? Here goes!
So Mother’s Day is getting closer. For the past 5 years, Mother’s Day and 5/11 have been a reminder of the transition of my baby sister (number 4). This May I see Mother’s Day in a different light with another reason to celebrate life. Let’s rewind a bit. As you may know I am married with two dogs. I was hesitant to share this part of my life but I don’t know who needs to hear it. My husband and I have struggled with infertility for years. Long story short, we were told by doctors IVF was the only way we would be able to conceive. Well…..they were wrong. Last month we learned we were 6 weeks pregnant (total shock). Then at our first visit we found out we were also having an ectopic pregnancy (also a total shock).
Often times women keep miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies on the hush until they finally conceive and have their “Rainbow baby.” Every woman is different but we are also the same. I know I’m not the first to experience an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage and I know I’m not the last. So let me tell you another reason I’m sharing this very personal experience with you. Sewing and creating is my healing. It really is that simple for me. My journey has been amazing thus far and I don’t know what I’d be doing if it wasn’t for that Brother machine my mom bought me years ago.
This entire experience was tough but also a huge blessing…we CAN conceive naturally and our time will surely come. In the meantime, you can find me here sewing and healing. Let’s talk about it. What are you healing from? How do you heal? Are you okay to talk about it?
Peace & love
Photo Sauce:
Pants: Made by me using McCall’s pattern 7661